Creating market-fit results using immersive storytelling, progressive design, and innovative technology.
Don’t let your product design be limited by your imagination. Research and understand its real potential.
User experience opportunities; finding the extended possibilities and feature sets, the blue sky dreams. While your concept has proven the viability of your assumptions, the product potential will now discover how far your ideas can take your design intensions. Declare your research in what you don’t know. To understand your potential, you must understand the unknown. In this stage, you must ask, “what could we do to extend the product potential and marked reach?”.
Design must be critical, asking why, uncovering the truth even when it hurts. To choose a customer-, digital- or employee strategy, you must know what is possible. Business is the driver for your design and your customers, thus must your work be business driven. When you ask questions, you broaden your horizon, thus expanding your view. It is important to understand what to do and what not to do.
AboutPeople do not buy goods and services. They buy relations, stories and magic.
Sometimes the simple opportunity is right in front of you, either merging two ideas or improving on an existing idea. In either case, understanding where to focus your work, is the key to success. Opportunities are patterns or trends, rooted in insights. When you have discovered a pattern of behaviour or need, you can define this as an opportunity. Knowing the behaviour or need behind the pattern, is your valuable business insights and vil give you your needed focus. Patterns are merely areas of interest. Once located, you must dig deeper and uncover their secrets.
Customers don’t know why their emotions resonate with your product and often proclaim their devotion by the products functional or financial benefits instead. They speak about the signature features or how much they spend on their latest purchase, instead of why they really bought the product, the added emotional value. The ability to perceive this value, is the story you must first gain in order to build the functionality.
As you reach the final sprint, the details become blurry and increasingly forgettable, as the goal is within reach, racing towards the finish line. The shortest destination between two minds, is face to face. Don't waste your time transcending your perception and thoughts into briefs, when the most prudent outcome and culturing evolvement, is in person, overseeing the minute details, which can often be neglected or down prioritized.
AboutDesign is not a matter of taste. It's a business.
Customer don't buy what you do, they buy why you do it. They believe in your products, when you believe in your products. If you care, then show your customers that you care. Show them that you understand their life and their troubles, as you seek to evolve every nuance for the better. Customer don’t care about how your product is the best, they care about why your product is the best. When you express your core believes, express it in terms of why, not how, as you aim to win their devotion in your product and in your company.
Change is difficult and takes time. Change is a culture and culture comes with roots. Sometimes you need to cut the roots and sometimes you need to replant them safely, nourish them in new soil. Regardless, changing an organization is not an easy task and demands a high level og people skill, starting with candid communication. Once an organization is changed from fighting the status quo, the transformation is complete, as the new company has adopted the ideology of change as its roots.
One-size-fits-all strategies rarely works, as your organization must be capable of both sustaining and disruptive product potentials. These potentials, driven by an opportunity process, rarely fit into the sustaining process, as it is build for optimized production with less abstraction. The opportunity process is both disruptive to the market and to the organization, thus must the organization be able to handle the internal opportunities as a separate business unit, managing the abstractive behavior and innovative needs. Opportunity processes must focus on the product and the assigned team creating the product, as it will demand a more agile and creative process dealing with the unavoidable trials and errors. If the product succeeds on the market, the sustaining teams must adopt the product, streamlining its new sustaining categorization, while the disruptive teams moves on to the next opportunity.
AboutOur ideology is based on progressive design, a collective work of design principles, balancing culture, process and psychology.
Design is not a matter of taste, it’s a business and must be defined on business principles. We must let design be all that it can be, a process built on both data and emotions, restraints and visions, knowledge and experiments. We cannot follow the easy and simple process of today, the multiple theories and methods on how to exclude what is inconvenient. We must instead balance the process and our aspirations and reach for better designed services, products and processes.
Customers believe in the story, the true concept, the core and the essence. Everything else is circumstantial, everything else is reproducible. They believe in products, where every detail is telling the same strong resonating story. They trust products that offers true feelings. They trust their emotions, thus must your product offer values that will respond to their empathy. Emotional products will sustain and surpass the competition.
We like to think that we have a culture like no one else, focused on creating the most insightful products, by letting people be creative on their own merits.
Though we all have a different perspective on design and creativity, it is part of us all, as it is the life blood in every task performed. From algorithms and mathematical breakthroughs, to emotional and artistic experiences, we are all creative people. The ability to be creative, is the ability to be smart (UI), intuitive (UX/UR) and job efficient (JX).
Available on AmazonWe combine a unique progressive design process with immersive storytelling, creating engaging and captivating products, brands and business models. We incubate market opportunities, from design concepts to consumer products. We establish brand, story, community and supply chain, to enrich and support our business ventures.
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2100 København Ø